Use Your Voice,
Make Noise
We want our children to grow up in a world with clean water, the environments we love, and the animals which make our ecosystems what they are.
It is predicted in 2050 their will be more plastic pollution than fish... Together let us make change.
Together let them know we've had enough.
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Dear Whom Ever It May Concern,
I am a concerned individual, my concerns lie within the crisis which our home, Earth, is in due to the severe amount of plastic waste which is built up each year. All of which is being dumped into landfills but mostly the Ocean. In recent research your company was on a list for either being extremely wasteful in product development, production, shipping, ex. Your products are being found on beaches and in the stomachs of marine life. Your plastic waste products when in the Ocean, break off tiny pieces called micro plastics which are consumed by marine organisms that my loved ones then eat. Your plastic waste is choking and killing marine animals. Your plastic waste has compounds which are highly hazardous and threaten all life. In a recent study 10 babies were found to have been born with over 200 chemicals inside their blood steam due to the chemical compound release of your products into our oceans. At this moment a trash pile the size of Texas is in our oceans which has your products in it. In 2050 their is expected to be more trash than fish in the ocean, some of that will be yours. These products you create with synthetic materials and or plastics will outlive even your grand childrens children. I do not want my child being born into heaps of trash, no animals, and threats so severe on their lives. Don’t let the blood of our Home be on your hands. Please stop producing and using plastics. If we lived without plastics and synthetics once, we can do it again. Your grand childrens children will thank you for leaving a planet worth seeing living on. Think of all the children, think of all the lives, think of it like this is the only place we have to go.
Tell us you’ll change today.
A Revolutionary