Making A Change
Babies today are being born with over 200 chemicals inside them, the animal extinction lists are growing larger, some nations have no access to clean water, the list goes on and on...
Our team is fed up, the revolution against plastics has begun here are some easy ways to make small changes in your life.
Run the laundry less: friction causes micro plastics to break off synthetics and release into water ways
Run the dish washer less: friction causes micro plastics to break off plastic wears and release in water ways
Buy less single use plastics! Seek less wasteful and degradable options in grocery and retail stores
Buy less and buy used: online shopping contributes largely to single use plastic and buying less frequently or used will stop companies who heavily pollute environments and oceans around the world
Write to, message, post about, let companies and the government know its time to change visit our CONTACT page to learn more
Reuse, Reuse, Reuse!
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United Nation Goals